Full(y) English Review by Hilary

16th July 2024

Full(y) English Review

By Hilary

Sausages and bacon hissing fresh from the pan, the golden yolk of a fried egg jiggling, and the vivid reds of tomatoes and baked beans; otherwise known iconically as a Full English. Whether it's an essential to your weekly meal plan, or a nostalgic childhood memory, dating back to the 15th century, the Full English is seen by most in Britain as a national treasure! Director Ferdie Simon decided to take their love of the classic breakfast to the next level and curated Full(y) English, a short documentary film which unexpectedly has made itself at home in my heart. A documentary about British Caffs was the last thing I expected to move me, but I won’t spoil too much as soon you'll be inclined to watch it yourself!

For a hot summer's day, the venue I watched Full(y) English in was absolute perfection. It was held in The Exhibit, a beautiful pub-restaurant located in Balham with a mini outdoor cinema. The plants and greenhouse-like design created a comforting atmosphere, which was reflected in my experience of watching the film.

If there is one thing Full(y) English taught me, it’s that British Caffs have much more importance than what meets the eye. Not only do they serve mouthwatering food, but they also bring local communities together and act as a “comfort zone”, which is especially important in times like the Covid outbreak, the cost-of-living crisis and so much more. Caffs also have the most crucial ingredient that all big fast-food incorporations lack: love! Full(y) English taught me that this is what makes them so special while also exploring their struggle with inflation and costs.

What I found made Full(y) English truly unique, was the Q&A given by the team at the end, and how their passion shone through each answer. It was certainly a rare treat and helped me to understand the inner workings of the short documentary film even more. It was also wonderful to see the connection it brought the viewers and film as we fed our curiosity with our infinite stream of questions!

Overall, as a life long avid Full English Breakfast fan, I fully recommend you this enlightening yet moving short documentary film no matter your age or interests; you won’t regret watching it! You might even find yourself loving it as much as you love a good serving of Full English, I know I did!